Hiya you.
Raise your hand if you think an afternoon nap is a cute idea.🙋
A walk in nature before you going into an hour meeting sounds awesome but not gonna happen.🙋
15 minute yoga sesh in your backyard is genius but I don’t have the time.🙋
I am with you. Felt this so hard most of my life. It used to be all about how much work I’ve done to deserve rest until I realized that my best work only got done if I was fully rested.
But ya know what I took the time to do over the past few years? I took the time to LEARN how to rest. That’s right. Rest is a skill which means you have to learn how to do it.
At first it was weird and awkward and my mind was running a mile a minute wondering: is this rest? does this count? can I stop now and get back to work? why am I doing this again?
But now my rest time and work time are all the same. They lean on one another. They count on one another. I don’t mess with my rest time and it’s always the first thing I place on my schedule at the beginning of the week. I’ve seen what happens when I rest, and I’ve seen what happens when I don’t. And my rest is vital. She’s my girl.💗
A few quick tips for you to get you going on your own rest-journey:
Schedule Rest:
1. Make rest the first thing you place on your schedule each week. Carve out a few slots during your week ahead of time that are designated for rest. Don’t just hope for rest or yearn for rest. You must carve out time for it. Make sure that it happens and that there is a special spot with your name written all over it.
Nourishing Activities Brainstorm:
2. Create a list that you can come back to of restful activities that leave you feeling nourished, rejuvenated and full. Could be painting with watercolors, drinking your favorite hot drink, going for a walk on your favorite trail, an afternoon bath, a swim in the sea? That way when your schedule tells you that it’s rest time, you don't waste any time and grab one of your favorite activities and go for it.
Commit to the Ritual of Rest:
3. Make rest a ritual that is important to you and that you will never break.Make it a sacred meeting that you will never skip like if you make a coffee date with your bestie. Ya know you are going to show the heck up for that.
Normalize the Heck out of it:
4. Start to normalize it by sharing that you rest. Tell your friends, family, kid's teacher, heck- your delivery man that you are working on prioritizing rest. That you are someone who is learning how to rest. This helps make it feel real to you and something that you are actively pursuing bringing into your life.
XOXO Tamar