Just so you know, I’ve lived your tale, felt your pulse, been in your shoes and danced to your life’s rhythm and any other metaphor you can come up with that simply says: I’ve been exactly where you are right now.
Just a regular beautiful mess-on-the-go mom of 4 who finally, after a decade of feeling that love tap on my shoulder, chose to listen and embrace it in order to create something greater than myself.
I usually have a bubbly and bold personality but had no idea how to bring it to my business to make $ in the bank. But I’ve figured it out with a lot of trial and error and have helped countless clients figure it out as well.
I know this sounds impossible right now, but I promise you that feeling certain and powerful while writing posts, building online courses, meeting new people, speaking to strangers about what you do, running workshops, holding consults and everything in between will feel like something you were just born to do once you get the hang of it. Like the “I would totally follow and hire this chic if I wasn’t her already!” kind of confident.
If you come with me, I can show you how.